How to Root Your Acer Iconia Tab A200 with V3lkjh Exploit
If you own an Acer Iconia Tab A200 and want to root it, you can use a simple exploit called V3lkjh that works on Android 3.2 and 4.0. Rooting your device will give you full control over it and allow you to install custom ROMs, kernels, mods and apps. However, rooting also voids your warranty and may brick your device if done incorrectly, so proceed at your own risk.
Here are the steps to root your Acer Iconia Tab A200 with V3lkjh exploit:
Download the V3lkjh exploit from this XDA thread and extract it to your computer.
Enable USB debugging on your device by going to Settings > Developer options > USB debugging.
Connect your device to your computer via USB cable and make sure the drivers are installed.
Open a command prompt window on your computer and navigate to the folder where you extracted the V3lkjh exploit.
Type the following command and press Enter: adb shell /data/local/mempodroid 0xd9f0 0xaf47 sh
You should see a prompt like [email protected]:/ # on your command window. This means you have gained temporary root access.
Type the following commands one by one and press Enter after each one: mount -o remount,rw /system, cp /data/local/su /system/xbin/su, chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su, cp /data/local/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk, reboot
Your device will reboot and you should have permanent root access. You can verify it by installing a root checker app from the Play Store.
Congratulations! You have successfully rooted your Acer Iconia Tab A200 with V3lkjh exploit. Enjoy your rooted device and explore its full potential.
Acer A200 Simple Root V3lkjh
Download File:
Now that you have rooted your Acer Iconia Tab A200, you may wonder what to do next. Here are some suggestions:
Install a custom recovery like TWRP or CWM that will allow you to backup and restore your device, flash custom ROMs and mods, and perform other advanced tasks.
Install a custom ROM like LineageOS, Resurrection Remix, or AOSP that will give you a newer version of Android, more features, better performance, and more customization options.
Install a custom kernel like ElementalX, Franco, or Boeffla that will optimize your device's battery life, speed, and stability.
Install some root apps like Titanium Backup, Greenify, AdAway, or Xposed Framework that will enhance your device's functionality and user experience.
Before you do any of these things, make sure you have a backup of your device's stock firmware and data in case something goes wrong. You can use the custom recovery or an app like Nandroid Manager to create and restore backups. Also, read the instructions carefully and follow them step by step. Do not flash anything that is not compatible with your device model or firmware version.
Rooting your Acer Iconia Tab A200 with V3lkjh exploit is a simple and easy process that will unlock the full potential of your device. However, it also comes with some risks and responsibilities. Be careful what you do with your rooted device and enjoy the benefits of having root access. 29c81ba772